Алена Мартьянова - корпоративный препода- ватель английского, тренер. Специализация: IT и бизнес-английский. Жила в США, занимается лингвистикой.
Курс Top Secrets of Meaningful Communication in Business – практический курс по развитию коммуникативных навыков и soft-skills, состоит из: - Business development (продажи, упаковка продукта, продвижение продукта); - Переписка на английском языке; - Переговоры и звонки на английском языке; - Рекрутинг и управление персоналом на английском языке.
Курс English for IT-specialists – курс для «айтишников», которые владеют английским, но не могут в полной мере использовать его в рабочих ситуациях. Разбираем кейсы, связываем знания и практику воедино, прокачиваем языковые навыки на максимум. Курс рассчитан на 3 месяца, занятия 2 раза в неделю по 80 минут.
Business English… When people hear this particular word combination, they believe that there is a unique separate language, that only some extraordinary people possess. But I must tell you, that it is not as scary as it may seem from the first sight. When you know the main rules and some secrets of successful communication, you are very well equipped for almost all kinds of situations, talks and surprises. This guideline is specially designed to help you out on the main business issues, as you know that the beginning is also a tough stage, but as soon as you set your feet on the right route, you will find your way to success. I’m happy to share some of the most frequently used techniques, tricks, secrets, and – most importantly – the linguistic side of business communications starting with negotiations and business letters, ending up with business development approaches. Every section is split into lessons with theoretical part first, then grammar drill and finally with creative tasks. You will be able to learn, practice and develop your own communication skills! Best of luck on your way to your business success.
Truly yours, Alena Martsyanava
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